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Personal Loans

What We Offer

Chemung Canal Trust Company offers both secured and unsecured loans. The amount you are approved to borrow, interest rate and APR are determined by a variety of factors, including your credit score. Once you’re approved for your loan, you can use the loan to:

  • Purchase a new car, truck, SUV, ATV
  • Fund a home improvement project
  • Pay for an event like a family vacation or a wedding
  • Consolidate debt

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Personal Loan Interest Rates

Rates as of March 26, 2025

Credit Score*TermInterest Rate (Secured)APR**Interest Rate (Partially Secured)APR**Interest Rate (Unsecured)APR**
740 & Aboveup to 48 Months8.00%8.00%9.25%9.25%11.25%11.25%
740 & Above49 to 60 Months8.50%8.50%10.25%10.25%----
700-739Up to 48 months9.50%9.50%11.00%11.00%13.00%13.00%
700-73949 to 60 Months10.25%10.25%11.75%11.75%----
675-699Up to 48 months12.00%12.00%14.25%14.25%----
675-69949 to 60 Months12.50%12.50%14.75%14.75%----
674 & Belowup to 48 Months13.00%13.00%15.00%15.00%----
674 & Below49 to 60 months13.50%13.50%15.50%15.50%----

Payment Examples - Secured Loans

Credit Score*TermAmountMonthly PaymentTotal Loan & Interest
740 & Above48$5,000$122.06$5,859.12
740 & Above60$5,000$102.58$6,154.99
674 & Below48$5,000$134.14$6,438.58

Payment Examples - Unsecured Loans

Credit Score*TermAmountMonthly PaymentTotal Loan & Interest
740 & Above48$5,000$129.84$6,232.04
  • Loans subject to credit approval
  • Interest rates and programs are subject to change without notice
  • Loans under $2,500 must be kept to a maximum term of 48 months
  • Loans $10,000 and above must be fully secured
  • Interest rates will be discounted 0.25% with Auto Pay from a Capital Bank checking or savings account

*Credit scores are based on information collected by credit bureaus and information reported each month by your creditors about the balances you owe and the timing of your payments. A credit score is a compilation of all this information converted into a number that helps a lender to determine the likelihood that you will repay the loan on schedule. The credit score is calculated by the credit bureau, not by the lender. Credit scores are calculated by comparing your credit history with millions of other consumers.

**APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The APR represents the maximum amount that may be charged in a year.

There is no minimum period for repayment and the maximum period for repayment is equal to the agreed upon term.