Fixed Interest Rate Home Equity
Fixed Interest Rate Home Equity
If you need money for a specific purpose and you would like to have a fixed monthly payment, consider a fixed-rate home equity loan.
- The minimum loan amount is $10,000
- The interest rate will be fixed when you apply for the loan
- Click here for fixed-rate home equity loan interest rates
- Convenient terms - check with one of our loan specialists
- The interest on a home equity line or loan may be tax-deductible. Contact a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest
If your house is currently valued at $100,000 and the unpaid balance of your mortgage is $60,000 you may qualify for a fixed-rate home equity loan of up to $20,000. These calculations are approximate and provided solely for informational purposes. The results are in no way endorsed, offered or guaranteed by Capital Bank. For more information, please call us at 607-737-3815 or toll-free at (800) 836-3711 and ask to speak with a Home Equity Specialist.